trim seqs

Once thats done will run QC report prior to Assembly.

Redo with changing limit to 20

baffled with the filter on Length - 

Not going to trim on length - 
trim v4

QC report

PRE trim report for CC
Roberts_20100712_CC_F3 - graphical QC report.pdf

Post trim report CC and CE
Roberts_20100712_CC_F3 trimmed - graphical QC report.pdf

De novo assembly (v4)

Roberts_20100712_CC_F3 trimmed assembly summary report.pdf

look at trim reads with 20bp cut-off; (trim v3)

v3 trimmed reads

bringing into iPlant

also do an assembly using this data
fast assembly

100bp min
@ 200 -> 1700 sequences

-- did slow assembly

Roberts_20100712_CC_F3 trimmed assembly summary report_1.pdf

CC vs. CE.xlsx